El Olivar de Roche Viejo is situated in the province of Cádiz, in the south of Andalucia. The address is:
Carretera del Muelle Pesquero CA-4202 nº 32, Km. 2.
11140 Conil de la Frontera, Cádiz, España
GPS: 36º 18′ 14» N | 6º 07′ 14» W
You can find us on Google Maps searching our name El Olivar de Roche Viejo.
DirectionsTo get to our houses you should use the road N-340/E05 which goes from Cádiz to Málaga and Almería bordering the coast. You will take the exit to Conil in the kilometre 23 of this road and drive about two kilometres to get to a round’a’bout with two big bakery-pastry shop-cafetery.En el kilómetro 23 de esta carretera tomaremos la entrada a Conil y conduciremos unos dos kilómetros hasta llegar a una rotonda fácil de identificar pues se halla flanqueada por dos grandes panaderias-pastelerias-cafeterías. You will go straight through four round’a’bouts. In the fith round-about you we will turn left, CA-4204 road, following the direction to ‘Faro – muelle pesquero – puerto deportivo’.
The length of this road is 4 kilometres to the lighthouse. In the kilometre 2, on your right, you will see the door of our house. It is easy to recognise because it has its name ‘El Olivar de Roche Viejo’ in a ceramic sign and also our website name…
You have arrived… come on, come in! ¡¡ WELCOME!!