El Olivar de Roche Viejo is located in an ideal place to enjoy different kinds of holidays: relax, beach, water sports, horse riding, long walks along the cliffs, along the beaches, through natural parks, bird watching, observing mammals in wild, cetaceos watching in Gibraltar… and also enjoying the friendly atmosphere that during day and night Conil offers to our visitors.
Our country estate is situated 3 kilomentres from Conil and there you will find the tranquility you want and forget the traffic and the city inconveninces.
El Olivar is very near, one kilometre and a half, to the famouse Cala del Aceite and the group of small beaches called Calas de Roche; this short distance which separates us from the city center and the beaches is perfect to have both ambience, and at the same time, separe us from the summer rush, and we will be able to enjoy the tranquility that nature gives us.
Just over one kilometer from the houses we find the fishing port, sport port and Conil fish market, where we can see the daily bet of fresh fish. At the same distance we have the lighthouse, where we can go for a stroll which will show us marvellous sights and sunsets over the Atlantic Ocean.
Nearby we can also find the Roche pine groove, with some squared kilometers, from the coast up to the N-40 road and from the fishing port up to Conil and Chiclana de la Frontera; it is a nice area where we can enjoy nature. Products such as mushrooms, pine nuts and palm hearts can easily be seen.
Other good characteristics of our houses are that they are very near to lots of famous and happy Cadiz villages: Tarifa, Barbate, Jerez, El Puerto de Santa María, Zahara de los Atunes, Vejer, Arcos de la Frontera, Medina Sidonia, Cádiz… each one with its certain stule, customs and monuments to see…
In Conil de la Frontera we can enjoy part of the charms of all these villages. Its arabic constructions with narrow, shady and laberintic streets, its patios in the shadow to pass the summer evenings, its flowers in all the corners… You will find these things in the old part of the village, and in the newest one you will have a wonderfull street along the beach, lots of nacional and international restaurants, terraces, unfinishable walks along the beach… all of this is Conil de la Frontera.
«El Olivar de Roche Viejo» is located very closed to our six principal natural resorts:
Natural Park «Bahía de Cádiz»
It comprises part of Cádiz, San Fernanado, Puerto Real and El Puerto de Santa María. It has more than 10.500 hectares and its marshes are a «resting room» for more than 200 species of birds during their migration.
Natural Park «Estrecho de Gibraltar»
It comprises the mountains surrounding Tarifa and the Atlantic and Mediterranean seas in their union point: the strait. Here, mountains, winds, seas and sand dunes make up an unique environment which encourages migration routes to and from Africa for white and black storks, honey buzzards, thousands of griffon vultures, spatulas, and a very long etcetera. The rare Hermit Ibis can also be seen around Vejer.
Diving enthusiasts here can enjoy as well as those who wish to see dolphins, pilot whales, humpbacks, killer whales, and sperm whales… by using boats led by specialists (ornithologists, oceanographers..) who are responsible for the correct approaching to this animals avoiding as much as possible to disturb its lifes.
Doñana National Park
With nearly 300.000 hectares and placed halfway between Cádiz and Huelva gives shelter to more than 300 species of birds and more than 500.000 take a rest here in their migration.
Famous is the Iberian Lynx but it is packed with many other mammals such as deer, wild pig, geese, wild cat,flamingos, etc..
Its magnificient «Mobile Dunes»… great masses of sand that move with «levante»wind energy creating a peculiar landscape and unique habitat.
Natural Park «Los Alcornocales»
Located in the belt stretching from Tarifa to the inlands mountain range reaching Ubrique and El Bosque.
It has a special microclimate that favors the existence of a majestic cork oak forest which gives shelter to otters, deers, roe deers, eagles, hawks, storks and a endless list of life.
Natural Park «Sierra de Grazalema»
Located halfway between Cádiz and Málaga has a microclimate of high rainfall leading to the few common «pinsapo forest» that shelter owls, griffon vultures,deers, wild goat… and the tipycal «payoya goat» famous for its particular «payoyo» milk and cheeses.
Natural Park «Las Breñas y Las Marismas de Barbate»
With only 5.000 hectares, it has a high variety of ecosystems, marshes, lagoons, pine forest, high cliffs… going from Barbate and Caños de Meca until Vejer de la Frontera.
For those interested in our national parks and wildlife we recommend to visit the following links: